Well, as of today, Eric & I have been married for a month (no matter which way you gauge "a month" (4 weeks, or corresponding dates)).
People keep asking me how it feels to be married..
I know, I knew it was coming, lol
I know, I knew it was coming, lol
Honestly, being married kinda feels like each birthday you have after 22.....
How does it feel to be (insert age here)?
How does it feel to be married?
How does it feel to be (insert age here)?
How does it feel to be married?
(both get the same answer lol)
Well, it feels pretty much the same as it did before.
"I have a new (age) name.. that's kind of weird, but it's growing on me.. the only time it confuses me a little is when I have to say it or write it..
there's always a slight hesitation."
there's always a slight hesitation."
You don't ever "feel" older on your birthday.. It usually takes a few to realize you're not 20 anymore lol..
Well, as far as marriage goes, our relationship doesn't "feel" any different.
I still love him just as much as before, more every day..
We still sleep in the same spots & positions.. Our life still consists of the same day to day routines..
Well, as far as marriage goes, our relationship doesn't "feel" any different.
I still love him just as much as before, more every day..
We still sleep in the same spots & positions.. Our life still consists of the same day to day routines..
Now, perhaps it is a bit different for those who don't live together until marriage..
Maybe that's the norm.. and the reason for the question, usually..
Maybe that's the norm.. and the reason for the question, usually..
But, when you've already created a life together, getting married seems more like just a piece of paper & some new jewelry lol
I KNOW it means more than that.. but, people don't ask you "what does married life mean to you?"..
They ask how it feels....
I KNOW it means more than that.. but, people don't ask you "what does married life mean to you?"..
They ask how it feels....
Now, if you ask me what it means to me, you may get a bit of a better answer..
My marriage means everything to me!
Not that my premarriage relationship didn't mean everything, it did!
Not that my premarriage relationship didn't mean everything, it did!
It means that the only thing left for Eric to give the woman that he's given the whole world to, was his name.
It means that I have to put his wedding ring back on him after every time he washes his hands & leaves it on the counter
It means that we are, hopefully, only weeks away from the adoption going through.
It means that when someone asks me about my "husband", I can actually answer, without the awkward "correction" (well, I stopped correcting people about a year ago anyways.. lol), or pausing first..
It means I love it when someone refers to me as Mrs. Creech
It means that I smile like a lunatic when Eric refers to me as his wife
It means that we loved & valued our love for each other SO much, that we had a great big party to celebrate it with our closest family & friends!!!
"married life" feels the same.. but it still means SO much!!!